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Friday, September 30, 2011

Danbo, The Cutest Figure

Mungkin kalian sudah banyak yang tahu mengenai boneka yang satu ini. Boneka yang banyak disebut orang sebagai boneka yang memiliki "jiwa". Yup, that is Danbo. Danbo kependekan dari Danboard, yang dibuat menggunakan kertas karton dan memiliki persendian sehingga boneka ini dapat bergerak dengan luwes. Danbo merupakan hasil kreasi dari seorang komikus serial manga "Yotsuba", yaitu Azuma Kiyohiko. Danbo pun sudah banyak dijual di Jepang dengan harga mulai dari 5.000 yen atau sekitar Rp 500.000,00. Hmm... mahal juga yah untuk sekedar boneka seperti ini.
Selain itu, Danbo pun banyak digunakan sebagai objek oleh fotografer karena dapat menghasilkan gambar dengan karakter yang sangat menjiwai.
Nah, di bawah ini ada dua gambar yang sudah saya edit dengan objek boneka Danbo, yang merupakan favorit saya. Masih banyak banget kok, gambar-gambar yang menjadikan Danbo sebagai objeknya, kalian bisa googling :)

Take this flower, please...

Who will take my heart?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Google!

Happy Birthday, Google!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

No Copy Paste

Kesal kalau postingan kalian di copy paste tanpa menyebutkan sumber? Pasti. Apalagi hal yang diposting adalah berupa hasil ide kalian berupa pemikiran, cerita pendek, atau puisi. Pasti nggak suka banget kan kalau di copy seenaknya tanpa menyebutkan sumber. Hal tersebut nggak beda jauh dengan pembajakan. Oleh karena itu, upaya postingan kalian ga dibajak seenaknya, di sini ada script agar postingan tidak bisa di copy. Let's bekicot...

Script ini ditaruh di script HTML di bawah tag
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat buat para blogger :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Come Back, Please...

I just wanna you come back to the real yourself

Someone who can makes me speechless with your smart
Someone who can makes me amaze with your brilliant brain
Someone who can makes me feel like extraordinary person
Someone who can makes me proud of you

Come back, please...

Maybe It's The Worst

August and September this year maybe are the worst month in my life. Something terrible was happened. My love and family life. And you know, those problems were effected to my academic.

The horrible thing was begun with my love life. The happiness that I was feeling before, suddenly vanished. And I never thought that I will fall so deep. Maybe it's just because I put a hope on you too large, and when unexpected thing came, I became hurt. There's one point that I can take from this thing is do not be happy too much because of something that doesn't real yet, sometimes it can makes you disappointed
The second horrible thing is about my family life. I really dunno what to say. Just by imagining it, my tears will fall down. My family condition right now maybe is in the bottom. Really hard through this life if I'm thinking about my little brothers and sisters, my dad, and absolutely my mom.
My mom is the real wonder woman. She really can through the life that really different. She's always patient, strong, and tough. And I never know if in position like that I can be like her. I'm really proud of her.