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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Finally "IT'S OVER! ISN'T IT?

Hiiiiii... This is for the first time I post the story in English. But I really am sorry if still too many mistakes in my grammar, hehehe, u know I still learn English... Correct me if I'm wrong :)

Is it really over? Yes it is. It means the cursed of this semester is finally OVER!
Alhamdulillah, I really am happy :)
Though my GPA is decrease, from perfect to imperfect, but I still thank to Allah, still gives me good GPA above 3.5.
And this is my score in this semester, you can look in this below :)

How so "great" it is, right? LOL (It is not great at all and my dad said,"Nilai begitu buat bungkus gorengan aja..." Huuaaahh, he's so sarcastic, so pity I am)
I just hope for next semester, I can give the best like odd semester before. Amin.

And about my love life... It's still not over yet.

My love still "claps one hand" Hahaha, u get it?, it means "bertepuk sebelah tangan" (I don't know in English)
He's still don't know what I feel for him, hmm... so pathetic...
I do know, that I am wrong. I am the one who fault for this case...
I am the one who open the heart, so he came in and stole it...
I am too confident, got the wrong perception for his cares
Ok, he's kind person, really smart, but sometimes, he can be an uncare person
Sometimes, he never cares about me at all, he often ignores me when I ask something to him. Is too hard for him just to answer my questions? Huh!
Should I give my heart to someone like that?
My logic said : "You should find the another one. Stop thinking about him. He often makes u cry, makes u feel like in agony...FORGET HIM!!!"
Can I? Can I forget him? As long as we in the same class, as long as I don't love someone else yet, I think I can't do that.
He's the first one, the first one who ever makes me cry like this just because something he did  (or something he didn't) and something he said or unsaid...
And, there is someone. Someone who always makes me jealous. She's the girl whom ever he liked... But, I still don't know, Does he still like her? or doesn't..
Because of her (and him, of course), I ever cried until I felt like can't breathe
But, I can't hate her, she's too kind...
That's the hardest moment in my love life that I've ever felt...

And now, I will fix it, fix my heart...
Not to forget him, but to make this feeling normal again, try to not hope anything from him... I'm sure I can do this because I wanna open my new life in 5th semester. Be better person, amiin...

Well, that's my story... Hehehe, enjoy it :)


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